Cover Photo by Mark R. Day

Monday, January 21, 2013

Patriotic Essay "Why We Must Proclaim Lincoln's Legacy"

     Most men would consider the praise of friends and family enough to evaluate ourselves successful.   However, there are those rare individuals who deserve to be remembered, by the entire world , with the  honor reserved only for  those who do great deeds in the service of mankind.  For those of us in the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War; Abraham Lincoln is such a man  As we approach the celebration of his birth later this month,  how are we telling the story of this man who carried the our nations survival on his shoulders. 

Who shall recount our martyr's sufferings for this people? Since the November of 1860, his horizon has been black with storms. By day and by night he trod a way of danger and darkness. On his shoulders rested a government dearer to him than his own life. At its integrity millions of men at home were striking; upon it foreign eyes lowered. It stood like a lone island in a sea full of storms; and every tide and wave seemed eager to devour it. Upon thousands of hearts great sorrows and anxieties have rested, but not on one such, and in such measure, as upon that simple, truthful, noble soul, our faithful and sainted Lincoln.
                                                                        Henry Ward Beecher

     The words of from Henry Ward Beecher, in the quote above, stand as a tribute to Lincoln and provide an example for us to follow today .  We are the progeny of Abraham Lincoln.  To us passes the task of inculcating the public with the knowledge of Lincoln; we must ensure he is given the adoration he so richly earned.   We must fight to preserve the regular celebration of his birthday as a singular national holiday.  One Hundred and fifty years ago this March, Lincoln surrendered himself to the harness of leadership at the most critical point of our young republics life.  In the midst of the calamity of civil war he employed prudence, patience, and integrity to bring forth the nation based on the lofty ideals of equality, our founding fathers had conceived.   

His occupation has become associated in our minds with the integrity of the life he lived. In Lincoln there was always some quality that fastened him to the people.                                                                      
                                                                         David Swing

     We are the people to whom Lincoln has been fastened.  We must  accept custody of  Lincoln's legacy and find the way to accommodate our duty to history amid personal interest.  We must act with due diligence or through apathetic  neglect Lincoln's virtuous sacrifice will be reduced to myth and innuendo.

Written by Mark R. Day, Feruary 1, 2011, Copyright Mark R. Day 1 February  2011, all rights reserved

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