Cover Photo by Mark R. Day

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Welcoming remarks as MC of the Lincoln Death Day Luncheon

Brothers and Sisters,

I wish to welcome you to the Lincoln Death Day Luncheon.  It is my privilege and pleasure to be the Master of Ceremonies for this event as well as the earlier ceremonies at the Tomb.  I hope that each of you are enjoying the beautiful day that God has granted us and it is my heartfelt wish, that each of you have been able to connect with old friends or discover new friends with whom you will now share this meal.  Let this be a special time filled with the conversations and fond remembrances, which will strengthen the bonds of Fraternity, Charity, and Loyalty that keep us steadfast in fulfilling our purposes as the Allied Orders and entreat us to act in harmony and with respect for each other.   For only in that manner can we ever hope to inculcate all citizens with a love for those who gave the last full measure of devotion to preserve this country, and more especially honor the memory of our beloved President Lincoln, whom we are gathered to honor.

Written and presented by Mark R. Day 4/15/17.  Copyright by Mark R. Day 4/15/17, all rights reserved.

Welcoming Remarks as MC for the Lincoln Death Day Ceremonies in Springfied, Ill. 4/15/17

Good morning!   Welcome to the annual Lincoln Death Day Ceremony.   I am Mark Day, SVCinC of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, and today's Master of Ceremonies.  It is very fitting, that we gather here this morning for it was one hundred and fifty two years ago, this very day, that our 16th President, Abraham Lincoln, succumbed to his assassins bullet and Secretary of War Edwin Stanton uttered that now famous statement "Now he belongs to the ages."  We now stand here, in front of Lincoln's final resting place as witnesses to the power and permanence of Stanton's words.    It is our duty and responsibility to inculcate our fellow citizens with the same sense of duty we carry within our hearts and to ensure the continuity of this tradition which honors the memory of Abraham Lincoln.  Let us never loose sight of that mission. 

Remarks Written by and presented by Mark R. Day 4/15/17.  Copyright by Mark R. Day 4/15/17, all rights reserved.