Cover Photo by Mark R. Day

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Remarks to the Lincoln-Cushing Camp #2, on the occasion of installing the elected officers for the year 2012, presented on 10 December 2011 at the Holiday Inn, Alexandria, VA,

Remarks to the Lincoln-Cushing Camp #2, on the occasion of installing the elected officers for the year 2012, presented on 10 December 2011 at the Holiday Inn, Alexandria, VA,

Lincoln-Cushing Commander Nalls,  DC MOLLUS Commander Pollock,  Brothers, Sisters, and Companions. 

The meal and fellowship have been wonderful.  I thank you for your hospitality and generosity, which have become your trademark in the Department of the Chesapeake .   I am here today as the designated representative of the Department of the Chesapeake  Commander, Brother Robert Moore, to conduct the instillation of Lincoln-Cushing's 2012 Officers.  Commander Moore has asked  that,  I present you his greetings and his heartfelt wishes for the continued success of the Lincoln-Cushing Camp in the coming year.   

As we come together now to install your officers, I would ask you to consider the following.  Our organization has three principles that are resolute and enduring.    We are charged to be Fraternal, Charitable,  and Loyal.  These three simple words are the watch words of your  elected officers and stand as the very heart and soul of our organization; uniting each of us in service to the past, present, and future generations of Americans. 

In Fraternity we find strength through the shared experience of honoring the memory of the men who sacrificed life, limb, and family to preserve the Union.  As they were bound together in their great efforts to win freedom for the slave and reestablish the United States,  we must likewise be bound together to achieve our goals to ensure that they are never forgotten.  Fraternity is the glue which binds us to that task of service to the past.

In Charity we provide hope for others who have been worn down by the wars of our time.  Abraham Lincoln said we should bind up the wounds and care for the widow and orphan.  Through the giving of our time and fortune we can still fulfill Lincoln's commission today.    We must commit to visiting the veterans of our wars, and assist the widows and orphans of our time.  Charity is the glue which binds us to the task of service to the present.

In Loyalty we move forward and plan for tomorrow.  we must ensure that future generations will not see that, we allowed the light to go out and that the grass has overgrown the grave and monument.  We must make a commitment to teach the next generation to love their country and the rich history that proceeded them.  We must be  dedicated to the education of youth and ready to persevere in the face of all those who would deny our children this heritage.  Loyalty is the glue which binds us to the task of service to the future.

Your  officers for 2012 will soon be installed in their post.  It will be their duty to conduct themselves and the Lincoln-Cushing Camp in accordance with these principles of our great order.  May God grant them the wisdom to lead and may God bless the work of your camp in 2012

In Fraternity, Charity, and Loyalty

Mark R. Day, Junior Vice Commander Department of the Chesapeake SUVCW

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