Cover Photo by Mark R. Day

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Address "Comments to the Thomas Jefferson Chapter SAR upon becoming President"

     VASSAR President Brennan,  VASSAR 1st Vice President Williams, Past Chapter President Kelley, Compatriots and ladies.  I wish to start by first thanking the members of the Thomas Jefferson Chapter for granting me this great honor of being your President.    I pledge to serve you faithfully and ask that you keep in touch with me, advise me, and support me as we go forward together in service to the remembrance of our ancestors and their great legacy of Republican Governance  in 2012.  Secondly I thank outgoing President Kelly for his leadership and dedication to the Thomas Jefferson Chapter.  I would ask that you join with me in giving him three huzzahs for his extraordinary efforts in guiding us these past three years.
     Now I turn to the year ahead of us.  We have a very busy schedule this coming year with both our normal activities and some additional tasks.  In February, I hope many of us will attend the VASSAR Annual meeting in Richmond and see our friend and Compatriot Phil Williams elevated to the post of VASSAR President.  Then on March 3rd we will hold our first Chapter meeting scheduled in 2012 and at that time we will install the rest of our officers for 2012.

     It is however,  the month of September which will require our most significant efforts.  On September 14th and 15th we will host the Mid-year meetings of the State Society here in Charlottesville at the Holiday-Inn University.  This is both a challenge and an honor for us and a task with which, we can only be successful if we work as a team.

     So we have much to look forward to as we begin the 73rd year of the Thomas Jefferson Chapters' service to our community.  May it be a profitable and rewarding year for each of you.  Thank you for coming out this evening,  and may God grant you a safe trip home at the end of the evening.

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