Cover Photo by Mark R. Day

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Letter: On the topic of Education Reform


     The real danger we face is, that when the educataion system does fail those who have sought its destruction will be able to recreate education in a new kind of segregation.  Failure of the Public Schools will allow the creation of private schools that will operate as the education system for a new aristocracy based on economic status.  We will find that education will become the most important factor in the determination your social caste, yes I said caste.

      I see momentum for a return of the Social Darwinist attitudes of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which empowered certain individuals to see themselves as a chosen elite based some sort of natural selection.  Of course this is just my take on the direction education is going in America and how it will affect the future.  I am sure there are many who see Public Education as just another way to redistribute the wealth, in this case intellectual,  of the nation and they will nay say my comment as socialist dribble because they fail to understand, that the  purpose of public education is to level the playing field for every human being in America regardless of race, color, age, sex, economic success, or any other factor.   After all history tells us that when people are given the opportunity to become educated and valued assets; they will rise to the occasion. 

     Greg, I believe the politicians, neo-academics,  and business people who are driving education today see Public Schools as a frontier open for conquest, redirection, and development.  They see a world that seems to them disorganized, chaotic,  and wild.  Like 19th century Imperialist these people believe they have an opportunity to profit from the extraction of raw materials for their enterprises while painting themselves as humanitarians and missionaries reaching out to save the less informed [teachers and students]  in education from misguided ignorance.  In the end they will take everything and give back nothing; leaving the American Public Education system as crippled and desolate as a third world country.
This letter was also written as a response to a thread on Facebook.

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