On the topic
of Benghazi, I believe that the current administration [Obama]was actually caught off
guard by an event that to any outside
observer seemed inevitable. The Administration simply did not take reasonable precautions based on the nature of the situation in Libya and underestimated the potential insurgent response to American involvement in Libya .
I must also admit that, I have a problem in forming a complete understanding of the attack on the Benghazi embassy because there has never been a complete telling of this story
with all of the pertinent details. As a
result I am left to postulate my current position, minus the political
rhetoric, which is to blame the deaths of four Americans on the
State Departments failure to seek proper protection for the ambassador and the
ambassador's own personal disregard for his safety.
Like so many current day events, which most Americans hear or see in
thirty second sound bites and bathed in the passion of political posturing, the
death of the American ambassador and his protection unit is a major
event. However, Benghazi like events have
happened before in our national history and will undoubtedly continue to happen
well into our future because our government often is compelled to place Americans,
in the military or in the foreign
service, on the edge of danger to gather
intelligence and monitor situations. For
example, In China, at the turn of the century the United States had a enclave
in the capital city of Beijing, which was attacked by the Boxer's during their
attempt to throw the westerners out at the turn of the century.
Later also in China there was an incident on the Yangtze River in the
1930's, when American patrol boats, The American China Squadron, came under
attack by forces of Japan prior to the start of World War II, and of course there was the USS Liberty incident in
the 1970's where the Israeli Navy sank an American spy ship during the War Yam
Kippur War. I am sure that in their time
each of these previously mentioned events must have caught the attention of the
media and I am equally sure there were calls for investigations by
Congress. However that is the nature of
the beast, you have to be on the ground to really know what is happening and it
may not always be easy to prevent the loss of lives. In fact we must conclude that the lives of the men in
Benghazi were lost in the service of protecting American interest.
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