Cover Photo by Mark R. Day

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Speech: Given on Memorial Day 2013 at the Tomb of General John A. Logan founder of Memorial Day

Logan graveside ceremony 2013

Brothers of the SUVCW and Guest

     We are gathered at the graveside of General John A. "Black Jack" Logan to pay our respects and give thanks for his service to our nation in its time of greatest need. General Logan was a man of great passions, foremost of which was his love for our Constitution and Republic. General Logan believed in the fight to preserve the Union and he defended it with every ounce of strength he could provide. An example of this passion, for the republic and our Constitutional system can be found in an 1863 speech, given at Duquoin, Illinois, which was aimed at convincing citizens of the western states and territories to quote " Quit your quarreling. Be for your Government in spite of what anybody may say . . . be for the Union right or wrong." Tell people you are for the success of the United States army and navy, no matter who is President -- no matter what men are in the Cabinet, or who are in the majority in Congress . . . say you are for the Union.

     General Logan was also fiercely loyal to the soldiers the soldiers who fought for the Union and the Veterans of the Grand Army of the Republic. We all know of his order number eleven on May 5th 1868 to the posts of the GAR, which set the precedent for Memorial Day. In that order General Logan told us to never allow avarice to diminish our commitment to tell the story men who preserved the Union that he so deeply cherished.

     To ensure that our history be taught to all Americans and that the story remained unblemished and faithful to the truth. To ensure this General Logan took up the call to provide education to our youth. Logan stated that nations are counted great and remembered chiefly for two things-- wisdom and power: the former the property of the few; the latter the property of the many, though wielded by the few. Only by creating a system of public school who provide the emphasis necessary to empower our children to lead the nation.

     Clearly, General Logan had a long range outlook and the passion to see his beliefs fulfilled. He once said "I have entered the field to die, if need be, for this government, and never return to peaceful pursuits until this war of preservation has become a fact established. " I believe that this quote could be used to describe not only the physical Civil war fighting but also the General Logan's fight to ensure the memory of the soldiers and the fight to educate our youth.

May we be as faithful to the cause as he was.

Thank you for allowing me this time to speak about General Logan. May God Grant his peace to the soul of General Logan and may God grant us the courage and dedication to carry on with his missions in our time.

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