Cover Photo by Mark R. Day

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Speech: Short Remarks given at Mount Hope Cemetery in Dahlonega, GA

Short Remarks given at Mount Hope Cemetery in Dahlonega, GA on the occasion of a joint SUVCW and SCV grave marker rededication ceremony 9/10/16

The ceremony was organized and conducted by the Kennesaw Mountain Camp Sons of Union Veterans and Camp #1860 Blue Ridge Rifles Sons Confederate Veterans

Brothers of the Department of Georgia and South Carolina, members of Camp 1860 the Blue Ridge Rifles, Sisters of the Allied Orders, Families and Friends

Good Morning!  Isn’t this a gorgeous day, that God has blessed us with for our ceremonies.

We have gathered here to celebrate the lives of two American soldiers; Cpl. Isaac G. Rucker (USCT) and Capt. Augustus F. Boyd (CSA).

While these two men wore different uniforms, they are both American soldiers and both were held in great respect  by their birthplace for they are both listed among the noble dead of Dahlonega.  A fact, which we and all Americans should never lose sight of.

It is most fitting that we have assembled members from both the Allied Orders and the SCV to conduct a joint ceremony of rededication and remembrance.  This joint event acts as a reminder, that all the men who fought the Civil War were American soldiers who, after the great and terrible struggle of war, were reconciled and reunited as one nation

Through this ceremony we are demonstrating, that though enemies in battle these two soldiers offer us a chance to contemplate the values of duty and devotion they held in common. 

It is for us to rededicate ourselves to the task of finding ways to honor all our soldiers without malice. We must be dedicated to the act of honoring the dead from both sides; for no American soldier should ever be forgotten.   

Written and presented by Mark R. Day 9/10/16.  Copyright by Mark R. Day 9/10/16 all rights reserved