As, I come to the end of my three years of service as
President of the Thomas Jefferson
Chapter, I like General George Washington will soon pass the reigns of
leadership to a successor. As, I take leave of my office, the many warm
memories, which each of you have written on my
heart, have strengthened my sense of gratitude for the unique
opportunity given to me as your President.
I myself merit no praise, but owe every success to the cheerful
assistance, I have experienced, from you my friends and bothers, in our great
cause to preserve the memory of our ancestors.
Like George Washington, I will soon also forego the honor of Commanding
but also like him, I will never abandon my responsibility to serve my country
or fail to support each of you and our chapter.
Washington told his men, that he was bound to them by duty and I, like
the General, now offer my fidelity and stand ready to offer my services freely
at your command.
Mark R. Day